Monday, October 13, 2008

Plugged IN and Turned OFF

This election has gotten very negative at times. Once again, turning off American voters to cliche tactics. The good news is that with only a few weeks to go, the "buzz" is that both campaigns will try to refrain from being negative. We shall see. 

With such a crucial election and a sensitive time, the American people need to see who lines up with their personal values and beliefs. We need more that ever to hear what Obama and McCain propose. Where are they similar, and where do they differ.


Okay, McCain and Obama are not being as negative...but what about the Media? It all goes back to Palin again. The media seems to be having a feeding frenzy with her. It's painful to watch. Is there a hidden agenda there? Recent polls reveal that Obama is gaining lead, could this discredit to McCain be influenced by the way Palin's persona is being portrayed? 

I have been "plugged in" to this election, and I am "turned off" by the high drama and attacks of this VP candidate. It must be easier to attack her, rather that going after a war veteran. It is rather tasteless, and I am with the majority of Americans when it comes to frustration with politics. "Air Wars" is not new to politics but with corruption, greed, wall street, global recession, and negative extremes in the news, maybe some old fashion respect in this election would go a lot further, not just with election but also with restoring some confidence back to the American people.

1 comment:

finished said...

I have tuned in which leaves me still undecided. The attacks ads have not only left me turned off, but disenfranchised as well.

Is it the way the media has charged after Palin? To some extent. But her actions have come across more as vindictive and spiteful than strong and determined. I really have a problem with the level of attack she incited against the Obama campaign. Yeah, his associations need to be questioned, but when members of her audience shout "kill him" she needs to reign that in. It is irresponsible, and something I can not admire.

Of course its easier to attack her than McCain. Really all that is wrong with him is his age, his wealth, and seemingly his Bush-like ideologies. But, I honestly think of all the candidates he has the most character, integrity, and honesty.