Is it all politics, or does Palin line up with the McCain "brand?" McCain has consistently been criticized by his own party for being an independent. He campaigns to reform politics in Washington. When we take a look at Palin's record, she shows a steady record of reformation. As taken from her acceptance speech, she states: "Along with fellow reformers in the great state of Alaska, as Governor, I've stood up to the old politics as usual, to the special interest, to the lobbyist, the Big Oil companies, and the 'good old boy' network." Some have been comparing her to "the next Margaret Thatcher."
After Friday's Republican VP announcement, I got to witness several reactions to the pick. Most people were shocked (like myself) at first, then great excitement flooded in afterward. McCain's choice for VP has started to revitalize hope for many republicans, that feel like their voice has not been heard in the media. McCain's choice may very well have sparked hope and a renewed faith for many republicans, that have been disappointed with the party's voice being "hijacked" in the media by the extreme voice of the right wing. Palin's record, and overall genuine style is sure to shake up some of the old schemas.
It is more than likely that Palin will be attacked for her "inexperience," and how it will affect national security. Is that really an issue we need to go over? That issue died with the Obama campaign. The fact is Alaska is a large state and it would be logical to assume she has had to deal with many homeland security issues as governor. The next issue will be to call McCain's age into question, "what if something happens, and she needs to take over as POTUS?" Don't Panic, lets think this through. She will more than likely pick a VP with strong qualities that complement hers. She won't be alone.
McCain's campaign "Country First: Reform, Prosperity, Peace," may really be just be what he intends to carry out. It appears as if the Maverick may finally just be in a position to serve his country the way he has always intended to. I don't believe picking Palin was just strategy, I think he may be serious.
Obama's campaign has been for "change." But really, who is breaking out of the mold? If you ask me the real change is happening with the republican party. This team appears to be "annointed" for change and reformation. A movement that will hopefully bring the party back to some of it's original tenets, as well as, be an advocate for ALL Americans not just a party.
It's an exciting campaign season, and the polls are showing this race is close. Whoever wins on November 4th, it is sure to be historic. But I am sure waiting for those "18 million cracks" to be broken through.